In Depth Baby Product Reviews Led by a Pediatrician

Stokke My Carrier Review

A pricely, but nicely constructed carrier, that just isn't user-friendly enough for the day to day
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Stokke My Carrier Review (Stokke My Carrier)
Stokke My Carrier
Credit: Stokke
Price:  $250 List
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Manufacturer:   Stokke
By Lindsay Ellis ⋅ Review Editor  ⋅  Feb 27, 2013

Our Verdict

With a truly premium price, we really wanted to see how the Stokke MyCarrier compared to other stand-by's in the baby carrier market. What we found was that the quality and structure were top-notch, but unfortunately, the ease-of-use left a lot to be desired. In fact it was so complicated, a few of us had to call in reinforcements, ahem, enter…husband. Once configured, we really liked how this carrier handled itself, but it still wasn't enough to land it at the top.
Well made
Difficult directions
Complicated to use

Our Analysis and Test Results

The Stokke MyCarrier is flashy, modern, and so ultra-sturdy, it's really more like a hiking pack. Once we got it put together, which believe us, was NO easy feat, we found it to be really comfortable to wear. This carrier actually consists of the base halter, or shoulder strap piece and then there are two carrier piece attachments: one you use for front carry and then you switch that out with a different piece for back-pack style carrying.

stokke my carrier - the three components of the stokke my carrier.  front carry pouch on...
The three components of the Stokke My Carrier. Front carry pouch on left, parent harness middle, back carry pouch on right. This was one of the more complicated carriers to use.
Credit: Lindsay Ellis
Combine these three pieces and lots of straps and buckles, with a huge instruction book full of pictures only, and you can see why we may have thrown a few fits trying to get this carrier together properly. Read on to find out a little more about why this pricey carrier landed where it did after our testing.


Thankfully, price matches quality here. This carrier is very well made. It is sturdy with a strong back support piece that made a noticeable difference for us. The parent harness is not only comfortably stiff and supportive, but easy to adjust as well. Parent and baby were both happy in this carrier and we were able to wear it for long periods of time without feeling the strain.

stokke my carrier - the rigid shoulder strap of the stokke my carrier offers great...
The rigid shoulder strap of the Stokke My Carrier offers great support plus many options for adjustment.
Credit: Lindsay Ellis
The buckles on this carrier are very sturdy. It even has two metal carabiners which really gave us a greater sense of security.

It has three carry positions: front carry facing out, front carry facing in, and back carry. These are the positions we value the most in a carrier. It gives baby a nice, close hold in both front carry positions and we also really loved the added shoulder straps for baby when in back carry mode.


Our biggest gripe about this carrier is that it was so hard to put together. We would have loved some better worded directions.

It isn't always convenient to switch out the seat to convert from front to back. We wish this carrier was one piece to make it more versatile on the go.

It is bulky and more stiff and structured than the other carriers we tested which doesn't make it a good grab-and-go option. It takes up a lot of room in the diaper bag or stroller.

When in back carry mode, we felt like our toddler tester was not held as close to us as we'd like, even at the tightest setting. She seemed to be reclined and we were worried we could accidentally swing her into a door frame or something. We prefer the close hold of the Beco Baby Gemini or Boba G3 much better.


The Stokke MyCarrier is the sturdiest carrier we tried, but it is also bulky and complicated to use. That hinders it from being our go-to for day to day activities. And, while it holds infants nice and close in both front carry positions, we feel it isn't as toddler-friendly; as mentioned, in our experience with back carry, a toddler isn't held as close as we'd like.

Lindsay Ellis