In Depth Baby Product Reviews Led by a Pediatrician

Joovy TwinRoo+ Review

Great double frame option that works well for twins
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Joovy TwinRoo+ Review (The Joovy Twin Roo+ with 2 Chicco Keyfit 30 car seats installed.)
The Joovy Twin Roo+ with 2 Chicco Keyfit 30 car seats installed.
Credit: Abriah Wofford
Price:  $190 List
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Manufacturer:   Joovy
By Juliet Spurrier, MD & BabyGearLab Team  ⋅  Oct 14, 2019

Our Verdict

The simplicity of the Joovy TwinRoo+ gives it most of its charm. It does so much with so little that we can't help but be impressed with the ingenuity of this minimalist frame stroller. This product offers an easy to use clip-in system for many popular infant car seat brands; it has an easy to execute one-hand compact fold and a huge under-seat storage bin that is easy to access. With a safe cup holder that holds up to four items and high performing suspension and maneuvering capabilities for a frame stroller, the Roo+ is a pleasure to use and operate with two children and everything that goes with traveling with two. There isn't anything we don't like about this Joovy product, which is why we gave it an honorable mention in our double stroller and combo review. We feel this product is the best option for parents of infant twins and is a great transition stroller from birth until your babies are old enough for a standard double stroller.
Nice features
Easy car seat connection
Hard to access storage using two seats

Our Analysis

Review Analysis

stroller and car seat combo - the joovy twin roo + is a great options for families with infant...
The Joovy Twin Roo + is a great options for families with infant twins. This economical lightweight frame stroller will get two babies where they need to go with lots of storage and versatile seating arrangements.
Credit: Abriah Wofford

Ease of Car Seat Attachment

The Joovy TwinRoo+ mounts infant car seats sideways, in opposite directions or the same direction for easier access to both babies. Configuration versatility can give parents access to each child individually to meet their needs best. The versatility also allows little ones time to see each other and interact, or gives them a chance for independent time and rest. The carriers release with the car seat's native release operation.

The Joovy is a click and go connection frame with adapters sold separately. We prefer this kind of connection over the click and strap methods because we worry the additional step increases the chance for error or lack of compliance due to ignorance, forgetfulness, or possible laziness. The snap feature is relatively easy to use on the Joovy; first, snap in the front and then ensure the sides have clicked into place. The height of the frame makes attaching the seats a breeze, as opposed to some products that require lifting a carrier higher or bending over to attach.

stroller and car seat combo - the twin roo+ is perfect for twins with two car seat attachments in...
The Twin Roo+ is perfect for twins with two car seat attachments in either direction. The seats can face the same direction or toward each other for twin interaction and giggly fun.
Credit: Abriah Wofford


This dedicated frame product is ideal for twins, and some parents of twins claim they don't know how they would live without it. Given that two babies are more to juggle, and come with more supplies, it is almost imperative that you have some kind of stroller to transport them. It will be nearly impossible to make it through babyhood without taking two babies somewhere for errands or fun, and it will be far easier with a great stroller that accepts two infant car seats so you can get things done or potentially manage the feat with only one adult. While one baby can be managed without a stroller, two babies cannot be handled in the same way. Thanks to the best baby carriers or simply carrying baby in their car seat, you do have some baby gear options for twins.

stroller and car seat combo - the joovy twin roo folds relatively flat and takes up less space...
The Joovy Twin Roo folds relatively flat and takes up less space than most of the double strollers. This smaller fold helps make it a great solution for parents with infant twins.
Credit: Abriah Wofford

Weight and Folded Size

This Joovy is a little over 24 lbs without car seat attachments. Twenty-four pounds is relatively light for a double product, though the Joovy Caboose Ultralight Graphite is 23.4 lbs, but doesn't accept 2 car seats.

The Twin measures just about 12,700 cubic inches when folded. This makes it relatively small, and compact enough to fit in most trunks. It folds very flat and could possibly even be stored behind the front seat in some cars.

stroller and car seat combo - double wheeled front legs are not the best for maneuvering, but the...
Double wheeled front legs are not the best for maneuvering, but the swivel wheels can lock when necessary and make rougher terrain somewhat easier if going straight. However, this is not a good off-roading stroller, and you don't want to be off the flat roads for very long.
Credit: Abriah Wofford


The TwinRoo+ has only slightly better than average maneuverability compared to similar types of strollers. That being said, it still maneuvered well enough to get the job done without frustration. It has a wider frame designed for increased stability, while the smaller wheelbase allows for better maneuverability and handling.

Because of this wider footprint, it feels a little hard to maneuver in tight spaces or around corners. It did relatively well on the hard surfaces and once it got going it wasn't difficult to continue pushing. The Roo+ struggles in grassy areas and has difficulty over gravel. It has trouble going over a 1-inch curb, and stairs should be avoided (it isn't recommended by the manufacturer anyway). The smaller plastic wheels make this product harder to use than some of the competition, and the double front wheels per front leg frame (a style we find hurts maneuverability) made the going tougher than it would be with better tires, single wheels per leg, or larger wheels.

The shocks on the front wheels of the Roo+ improve the comfort for passengers, limiting bumps and vibrations. These kinds of hiccups can be disruptive to little passengers and newborns, so it is nice that it offers additional support where many frame options don't. The locking front swivel wheels can also help prevent the stroller from moving off course by getting caught on baseboards and other low-level objects.

Ease of Use

The Roo+ is easy to use with a variety of features designed for convenience and simplicity.

stroller and car seat combo - the release button on the handle is the first step to folding the...
The release button on the handle is the first step to folding the frame. Unfortunately, the button also takes up a lot of space on the handlebar and somewhat prevents one-handed pushing.
Credit: Abriah Wofford

Fold and Unfold

The TwinRoo+ is a one-hand fold that takes somewhere between 5-7 steps to close depending on how good you get at operating the frame. The folding process is easy and only gets easier the more you do it. It has a manual locking feature, with no carry strap nor does it self-stand. This product is easy enough to carry, and while a shoulder strap might have been nice, it isn't truly necessary. It would be nice if this frame could stand by itself, and it looks like it would if the basket were a couple of inches longer. The unfolding for this product is as easy as the fold using one-hand it takes 3-4 steps depending on if you use the manual lock feature. The frame sort of falls open on its own, requiring only the car seat attachments to be attached.

stroller and car seat combo - the brakes on the twin are double action as opposed to single, but...
The brakes on the Twin are double action as opposed to single, but this is fairly common on budget frame strollers.
Credit: Abriah Wofford


The brakes are double-action, meaning you must set the pedal on both sides to fully engage them. This isn't the best design, and we prefer single action brakes where you only need to press one pedal. They are, however, relatively easy to set (if not sandal friendly), but because parents could forget to set both or become distracted before getting the job done, it might be a potential safety concern.

stroller and car seat combo - large under seat storage bin can be hard to access with seats in...
Large under seat storage bin can be hard to access with seats in place, but removing a seat is easy and quick if you need to retrieve a larger item.
Credit: Abriah Wofford


The TwinRoo+ has a very large under-seat storage bin that runs the length of the frame. It sits directly beneath both infant carriers when they are clicked in, and the location makes it difficult to get larger items into the bin with the seats in place. We didn't have any trouble getting the large diaper bag into the bin, but only with the seats off. You can get smaller items in and out between the seats or around the edges, but if your goal is to remove the bag or larger item, at least one seat will need to be removed. There is access to this bin from all sides, making it convenient for accessing smaller items quickly.

stroller and car seat combo - the 4 cup holder with additional compartment is unique and located...
The 4 cup holder with additional compartment is unique and located low on the frame. Without a doubt, it is a great addition to this stroller and less of a safety hazard than shallow holders that sit high on the frame.
Credit: Abriah Wofford

The Roo+ has a 4 cup holder tray located low on the frame near the handlebar. The cup holders themselves are relatively deep and the location is safer by limiting the possibility of bottles and cups falling on children in use. The holders are compatible with most of the water bottles and sippy cups we tested and with 4 holders you have room for your refreshments and baby bottles. The tray also has a rectangular pocket in the middle for your mobile phone, keys, or toy. The minimalist nature of this traditional frame product precludes it from having other features found on traditional double strollers.


The Joovy does not come with seats or canopies included. The canopies for babies will be limited to whatever sunshade comes standard on the infant carrier car seat. While this may limit or prohibit 100% coverage of babies when snapped into the Roo+, it shouldn't be a reason not to purchase it.

Ease of Setup

This product took just under 10 minutes to get from the box to road-ready. All the parts snap into place easily and it has a useful quick-start guide. This made the process significantly shorter, and we think all strollers would benefit from a simple setup guide.


The TwinRoo+ is similar in quality to the other Joovy products we've reviewed. The frame is well made and finished nicely with no rough edges or an abundance of connectors that make it feel flimsy or result in too much flex. While this stroller is very utilitarian in design and nature, it still exhibits a quality that shows in both looks and performance.

Juliet Spurrier, MD & BabyGearLab Team